The buildout of The Listen Up Conversation is not an easy task. I read a heartfelt quote recently that reminded me of this “you have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.” Unknown
The mountain in this season of my life is to share the story of how my oldest son was almost killed, and it was because of his bad decision to rob someone. We are in the process (The Listen Up Conversation team) of filming several testimony videos that will be shared in schools, youth groups, church groups, parenting groups, and community groups around the country. If I amhonest, recounting the bad predicament is quitedaunting because I have to recount the past in order to tell the story. However, this is a story that must be shared to deter other young people from making the same mistake.
I recently visited “The Chapel” at Suburban Hospital, and it brought back so many memories. I spent hours in “The Chapel” when my son was shot, and not a day went by(when myson was hospitalized) that I did not visit “The Chapel. Why? Well, it was inside “The Chapel” that I received many revelations from God. It was inside “The Chapel” I wrote prayers to God pleading for HIM to save my son’s life. “The Chapel” was a safe place to cry out to God about the situation,and even vent.
I recall one visit to “The Chapel”,I saw a clear vision, but at that time I did not fully understand the download from God, but I knew the vision was specificallyfrom God.
In the brief vision, I saw my son clearly “healed” and walking across the stage with a head microphone boldly sharing his story of redemption and deliverance. Also, in the vision, it appeared as if thousands of peoplewere listeningto him. Dunstan spoke with authority as he shared his testimony. Fast forward to about a year and half later, God spoke and directed me to launch The Listen Up Conversation. Since the vision, it is very clear to me that Dunstan’s story, as well as my experience through this ordeal ought to be shared and it is our desire that many lives will be saved and even healed by sharing our testimonies.
During “The Chapel”visitsI was emotionally drained, and my heart was so heavy because of my son’s situation. However, I now realize that through it all the many visits to “The Chapel” increased my faith, strengthen my faith, and drew me evencloser to God. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God miraculouslyhealed my son and healed my entire family for that matter. I will leave you with this---The bullet that should have killed him actually saved him.
Peace & Blessings,